Sleep improves memory
The findings, revealed during the Society for Neuroscience conference in the United State, and said that the interruption of sleep seriously disturbed memory.
The researchers said that our brain can continue to work while we sleep to resolve the problem and search for new ideas. The researchers note that it is fragmented sleep or insomnia - ease of awakening aged or, worse, sleep apnoea, in which millions of people to stop breathing for 30 seconds.
The piece of sleep, or by aging or apnoea, can suppress the birth of new brain cells in the hippocampus, where memory how to start - enough to avoid the study of sleep a week after returns to normal.
Increasingly, scientists are focused on sleep less costly and more on the quality of sleep, what is called the intensity of sleep in learning how sleep helps the brain process memories so that they stick. Of particular interest is "slow-wave sleep, a period of deep sleep is better than previously known sleep, or dream time.
Even sleep is an accident of our 24 / 7 world. Surveys show some adults achieve the recommended seven to eight hours a night. Over time, a chronic lack of sleep can lead to erosion of the body to leave us more vulnerable to heart disease, diabetes and other diseases.
Face-to-face is better buggy
May strollers facing term delay of the development of children and rotate them to the adults concerned. Baby suffers greater stress and sometimes even "Trauma" in modern stroller’s targeted seats separated from their parents.
Researchers at the University of Dundee in Scotland, said that children have difficulty concentrating and their parents are used only in a stage of life to young people succeed in relationships.
By contrast, children in traditional parent-strollers may face a greater chance to laugh; listen to talk about their mother and sleep - indicating stress level lower.
They took note of parents in 2722 in Britain and found that parents are more than twice as likely to talk to their children if they used the front, buggy - 25 versus 11 percent. The study of 20 babies who pushed to a city, 0.8 km and 0.8 km from the front, where the pusher.
Only a baby Laughs goals in the street, while half smiled during face-to-face journey. The researchers said that the parent-child is of crucial importance at a time when the brain is compound quickly multiplied.
Ban fast food ads can reduce children
a ban on advertising fast food can make a significant dent in the problem of obesity in children. This can reduce the number of children obese by 18 percent and the number of obese children in 14.
Researchers at the University of New York City also has suggested that the end of advertising cost reduction of fast food is leading to a slight decrease in obesity in children.
The new study - published in the Journal of Law & Economics - is partly based on several years of survey data from the late 1990s that people in those interviews with thousands of American families. The researchers used a statistical test assumes that the TV ads lead to obesity, but the calculations for the approach of other influences, such as income and the number of nearby fast-food restaurants.
They also have taken steps to be taken into account the possibility that some children may become overweight and inactive, regardless of their habits of viewing TV.
Fast walking decreased envy shock
Chocolate is seeking to end their urges chocolate can be difficult to just get a walk of 15 minutes. Chocolate is perhaps the most serious and craved food, and urges chocolate is often caused by boredom, stress or wishing to vote up or increase alertness.
Previous studies have shown that short Bouts of exercise such as fast walking, can improve alertness and mood disorders and reduce sugar snacks prompt.
The latest findings by researchers at the School of Sport and Health Sciences at the University of Exeter in Britain has shown that exercise also seems to reduce participants' cravings increase.
They recruited 20 women and five men (25 years) reported eating at least two bars of chocolate a day to refrain from eating chocolate for three days.
Participants also abstain from caffeine and exercise for two hours before each test - or 15-minute fast walk or sit quietly for 15 minutes. After each case, including the spiritual work of a response.